Dickinson shotguns offer you real value for your money. They are a fantastic blend of knowledgeable, skilled craftsmen with decades of experience working together with advanced technology and state of the art CNC machines. This partnership allows the advanced machines to make the precision parts but it takes a skilled craftsman to do the finishing, the wood to metal fitting and polishing and what it takes to turn a shotgun into a work of art. Dickinson shotguns has a well established reputation world wide for producing fantastic custom quality shotguns at an affordable price. This Hunter shotgun is a modern classic Over/Under double barrel shotgun that will be right at home in any upland field. It has a 26″ vent ribbed double barrel with a 3″ chamber and it accepts the Berretta Mobile choke system. The deep blued almost black finish is complimented with a beautiful wooded stock. A Dickenson Hunter is the fantastic union of form and function for those who think a high quality shotgun shouldn’t have to cost a fortune.